Our SOG includes instructions for truck response to a given incident without need to ask "Do you want...?" or for the IC to designate which trucks are to respond. The response is automatic unless changed by the IC. For more than a year we have included the response of 1981 to any incident involving water/dock/or near water (Beaver/White River).
We now have a rescue/fire boat,1982, on Beaver Lake.
At the training meeting on April 23rd, the chief detailed response procedures for 1982. Effective April 23rd, for any call involving Beaver Lake water, the response of 1982 is automatic; part of the plan. It is not necessary to ask if you should bring 1982.
Firefighters and EMRs responding for 1982 must count response so that no more than 3 respond for 1982 and so that the IC will know 1982 will soon be on the way. The count procedure is similar to the station count now in use. Station 1 and Station 2 are locations. The count format is 19xx, 1-1 (first to call Station 1) or 19xx, 2-3 (third to call Station 2). 1982 is at Starkey's, a location. The count format is 19xx, Starkey 1; 19xx, Starkey 2; 19xx, Starkey 3. A minimum of 2 responders, but not more than 3, are required in the boat before it leaves the slip.
The departure of 1982 form the slip is announced as "1982 is responding", "1982 is underway" or similar information denoting departure.
Only call response for 1982 if you are within a reasonable distance of Starkey's . With any response, truck or boat, you should call your response only as you are on the way, not when you are still getting prepared to leave.